Purple OG is an indica-dominant hybrid strain known for its relaxing and euphoric effects. With THC levels ranging from 22% to 25%, this strain is ideal for evening use, helping to unwind after a long day. The genetic lineage comes from a cross between OG Kush and Purple Kush, creating a powerful strain with a well-rounded effect profile.
The flavor profile of Purple OG is as complex as its effects, featuring notes of berry, grape, and pine, with hints of diesel and a spicy aftertaste. The aroma is similarly earthy, with a sweet, musty scent that fills the room. Users can expect a smooth smoke that enhances its sweet and piney flavors.
Purple OG’s effects are primarily physical, offering a full-body high that melts away tension, helping users combat anxiety and muscle discomfort. It’s also known for inducing the munchies, making it suitable for those who need an appetite boost. While the initial euphoria can uplift the mood, the sedative effects dominate, making it best for relaxing at the end of the day.
As an indica lover looking for strains that put me to sleep, I had high hopes for this strain but was heavily disappointed. This strain smelled wonderful, tasted great and was a beautiful smoking experience, but I did not feel relaxed or tired. Instead, I felt energetic, focused and productive. I smoked this right before bed and stayed up for 2 hours doing “work” on my computer. I actually had to smoke some kosher kush in order to finally get to sleep.